Å-festin jälkeen

Viikko sitten olin Porvoon Å-festissä, ja oli innostavaa.

Moni kaipasi englanninkielisiä pienlehtiä, ja vaikka sinnikkäimmät ostivat ilman käännöstäkin, tässä edes yksi.

Paula, this is for you: zine with my translation — if the google translator didn’t manage it.


I’ll do it myself


I also wanna crochet! Let’s look for yarn. / Will you make a potholder? No, I make mittens! / Isn’t it too difficult? I WANNA! Well, I show you. // Your turn! Just keep on doing yourself. / After 5 mins: Now it’s your turn! Bring it to mum for a while.


Granny’s turn! Auntie’s turn! Dad’s turn! Other auntie’s turn! Grandpa’s Turn! Should you go to toilet for a change?


So. Do it yourself again. Okay. // I crocheted mittens ready at home. Those became my dearest mittens. Because I did myself, and because the whole family helped me.


Though I guessed, that at least grandpa cheated me.